Ladies and Gents...i've seen the future. Well, sort-of. I've seen the inside of what I envision a space station on Mars will look like sometime in the future. Let me explain. Today, we were driving around town semi-close to where P's parents live in Lewisville, Texas trying to figure out where to eat for lunch. We had almost settled on lunch at La Madeleine (since they don't exist in Cali) when we happened to pass this resort/convention center called the Gaylord Texan (Yeah, interesting name, huh?). P's rents suggested we eat at one of the buffet restaurants at this gargantuan resort...
The Gaylord Texan is true to the state it is built in. This place is huge. And I don't mean just's HUUUUGE. It feels like Vegas on steroids with a Texan, cowboy twist (minus the casinos). The main hotel building is like a small city...indoors. Well, here's where the space station part comes in. The place is built to look like you are outdoors in a texan town but it is all enclosed within this elaborate glass roof so the lighting is all natural. It's got a western movie set feel with the weird glass and steel structure to top it all off...just like I imagine space stations of the future will be like.
To add to the space stationness of the place, the whole inside is climate controlled (it must cost a small fortune to run the A/C in this place!) to a nice, comfortable and cool temperature. Meanwhile, outside it is scorching hot....kinda akin to the surface temperature on Mars I imagine. Anyway, feast your eyes on the pics and tell me if you don't think it looks a little space station-like. I've seen the future I tell ya...mark my words. 30 years from now I bet we'll see something like this again....except that it'll actually BE on Mars...
The Love of All Things Blue
15 years ago
That's like Disney Japan!
... Gaylord Texas... hee. I bet you fit right in.
Did your Flux Compactor breakdown?
Damn...haven't had much time lately to blog. Been kinda busy and being that I don't "work" from the computer makes it a little more difficult. Anyway, fear not! Blogging will resume after our little vacation this weekend!
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